
The automated error compilation stage calculates each individual Error Type Penalty Total (ETPT) followed by compilation of an Absolute Penalty Total (APT). For each individual error type, the scorecard utility multiplies each Error Count (EC) by its respective Severity Multiplier to determine the penalty points for that type and level of error.

The penalty points assigned to each individual error type are then added up to determine the Error Type Penalty Total (ETPT). An Error Type Weight (ETW) = 1 indicates that all error types are weighted with the same value of 1.

The math function then uses the APT value to calculate a number of quality measures. These calculations require several additional scoring parameters, including the reference word count (RWC), the maximum score value (MSV), and the penalty scalar, to determine an Overall Normed Penalty Total (ONPT) and an Overall Quality Score (OQS), which resembles a familiar grading percentage.

The following is a description of approaches that allow the scorecard designer to assign different weights to selected error types, as well as a description of strategies that involve variation in the penalty scaler.